Tuesday, June 12, 2012

September (9-13 wks)

September  (9-13 wks)

My sciatic nerve started bothering me very early in this pregnancy, in fact almost immediately.  Besides that discomfort everything about my pregnancy was fine.  We had a Labor Day ‘UnBarbeque’ with our families and a few friends.  We nicknamed our party ‘the unbarbeque’ shortly into the event because the original evite was for a BBQ, but when my father arrived he was quite confused by our menu of sandwiches and kept commenting that he was under the impression that we were going to be serving grilled food.  I had to explain to him that because it was so hot that day I didn’t want Brian to get overheated by standing at the grill.

Brian, Makenna, and JP came with for my second prenatal appointment.  But the kids fell asleep just before we arrived at the doctor’s office, so Brian stayed in the car with them while they slept.  I called him when it was time to listen to the baby’s heartbeat, but he didn’t answer his phone.  It took Dr. R quite some time to get the Doppler in the right spot to hear the heartbeat because the baby was moving so much.  Every time he thought he had it, the baby would move again!  I remember he was laughing so hard while he was trying to track the baby, he said, “Man this kid just won’t sit still!”  He was able to find a spot and I was able to hear the heartbeat for about 3 seconds before the baby moved again.   I wasn’t able to record it on my phone, since it was so brief.  My phone rang just as I was getting off the table, and Dr. R said, “You want me to do it again so Brian can hear?”  And Brian said, “No, that’s alright, I’ll catch it next time.”  Dr. R said, “Are you sure?”  And I told him, “No that’s ok, he’ll come in next time.

On September 28th, we celebrated my 35th birthday.  Two days later I found out my cousin who is 4 months older than me had suffered a stroke on my birthday.  That event made me realize that Brian and I needed to prioritize legal paperwork and we needed to choose who would be legal guardians of our kids if something happened to us.  That’s when the stress began; Who was going to want to take on the responsibility of raising our 4 children?!

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